The ONE PIECE anime has unveiled the latest opening and ending sequences for the Egghead Island arc, featuring performances by the renowned artists behind its original theme songs, Hiroshi Kitadani and Maki Otsuki. Hiroshi Kitadani takes the lead with the new opening theme, titled “Aaah!” while Maki Otsuki contributes the new ending track, “Dear Sunrise.”
Hiroshi Kitadani, known for his previous contributions to ONE PIECE, including the iconic first theme song “We Are!” and the post-time skip opening “We Go!,” has been a prominent figure in the anime’s music. He also collaborated on “We Can!” with Kishidan and performed “OVER THE TOP,” featuring music by Kohei Tanaka.
Similarly, Maki Otsuki has been involved in the anime’s musical landscape, providing the first ending theme “Memories,” the second ending theme “RUN! RUN! RUN!,” and the ending “Destiny” for the Heart of Gold TV special. The return of these seasoned artists adds a nostalgic touch to the latest ONE PIECE arc.